Record Mirror (UK)

28. 3. 1981 petr.halla 0

News article about the UK tour. Primary single advert and review by Simon Tebbutt. "Spring Collection" with the picture of Robert Smith written by Daniela Soave and Sunie. [ MORE . . . ]


27. 3. 1981 petr.halla 0

On 28 March 1981, new single Primary, taken from the forthcoming album Faith, was reviewed by the British music press. [ MORE . . . ]

Richard Skinner (FM)

2. 3. 1981 petr.halla 0

On 26 February 1981, The Cure recorded their first Richard Skinner session at BBC Broadcasting House studio at Langham Place in London. 14 mins [ MORE . . . ]

Other Voices

1. 3. 1981 petr.halla 0

In March 1981, The Cure made another promotional video directed by Bob Rickerd. [ MORE . . . ]


1. 3. 1981 petr.halla 0

In March 1981, The Cure made promotional video directed by Bob Rickerd. [ MORE . . . ]

Carnage Visors

1. 3. 1981 petr.halla 0

In March 1981, Ric Gallup made short film, which was screened at the beginning of shows in place of a support band during the Picture Tour between April and October 1981. [ MORE . . . ]