Plainsong, Pictures Of You, Closedown, The Perfect Girl, A Night Like This, Just Like Heaven, Last Dance, Fascination Street, Catch, Push, Primary, The Walk, A Forest, In Between Days, The Same Deep Water As You, Prayers For Rain, Disintegration
Lullaby, Close To Me, Let's Go To Bed, Why Can't I Be You?
Homesick, Untitled
Three Imaginary Boys, Boys Don't Cry, 10:15 Saturday Night, Killing An Arab
Robert Smith, Simon Gallup, Porl Thompson, Boris Williams, Roger O'Donnell
Shelleyan Orphan
Ticket and backstage pass.
Rosemont Horizon (now Allstate Arena)
6920 N. Mannheim Road
Rosemont, IL 60018
United States