Anomalie (France) n° 2

1. 12. 1990 petr.halla 0

Issue n° 2 includes article about Parched Art, The Prayer Tour report, discography, photos by Richard Bellia and more. [ MORE . . . ]

Cure News (UK) n° 10

1. 12. 1990 petr.halla 0

Official fanzine. Issue n° 10 includes news, questions & answers, inspirations to Japanese Whispers and The Top albums, personal files, Pleasure Trips tour reviews and more. [ MORE . . . ]

Three Imaginary Boys (France) n° 35

1. 11. 1990 petr.halla 0

Issue n° 35 includes news, articles about The Glove, live shows in 1981, interview with Robert Smith, singles discography, Eastern Trips tour reviews, Garden Party (11/8/1990) show review and more. [ MORE . . . ]

Kissing Booklet (France) n° 17

1. 11. 1990 petr.halla 0

Issue n° 17 includes part 15 of the translated biography written by Jo-Ann Greene, French transcription of Charlotte Sometimes (part 13) by Penelope Farmer, some translated lyrics and more. [ MORE . . . ]

Babble (UK) n° 4

1. 9. 1990 petr.halla 0

Issue n° 4 includes news, interview with Robert Smith, Glastonbury (23/6/1990) and Crystal Palace (11/8/1990) show reviews, Entreat album review and magazine clippings. [ MORE . . . ]

Anomalie (France) n° 1

1. 9. 1990 petr.halla 0

Issue n° 1 includes interview with The Cure taken from Rip It Up magazine, interview with Frank Bell, Pleasure Trips report, discography, photos by Claude Gassian and more. [ MORE . . . ]