Smash Hits (UK)

11. 12. 1980 petr.halla 0

Lyrics to Boys Don't Cry. Times Square soundtrack album advert including The Cure's song Grinding Halt. [ MORE . . . ]

Trouser Press (USA) n° 57

1. 12. 1980 petr.halla 0

The Affectionate Punch single (from The Associates) review entitled "Four By Four" written by Izzy Ducasse. Also there is 20 Of Another Kind compilation album review written by Terry Rompers. [ MORE . . . ]

Joepie (Belgium)

16. 11. 1980 petr.halla 0

Interview with Robert Smith entitled "Ik heb geen ambities om beroemd te zijn" written by Fons Van Dyck. [ MORE . . . ]