MF Dnes (Czech Republic)

12. 3. 2022 petr.halla 0

News article about the new album Songs of a Lost World entitled "The Cure chystají skladby ze ztraceného světa" written by Jindřich Göth. [ MORE . . . ]

Metro (UK)

3. 3. 2022 petr.halla 0

Report from NME Awards entitled "Believe the hyper... Sam rules at the NMEs" which mentions Robert Smith. [ MORE . . . ]

Orkus (Germany)

1. 3. 2022 petr.halla 0

Article entitled "Das Werden von Pornography - Teil 1" written by Heinrich Zeschner. Also there is another article entitled "The History of a Hit" about Lullaby single written by Katrin Hemmerling. And some mentions. [ MORE . . . ]