Teraz Rock (Poland) n° 18

1. 8. 2004 petr.halla 0

Article entitled "Krwawiace palce" written by Angelica Kucinska. Hurricane (26/6/2004) show review by Przemek Psikuta. Also there is The Cure self titled album advert and review by Grzesiek Kszczotek. Small articles entitled "Twarze na sprzedaz", "Pancilina" and "Live Dates". [ MORE . . . ]

Tylko Rock (Poland) n° 104

1. 4. 2000 petr.halla 0

Hamburg (1/2/2000) show review entitled "Powrot do przeszlosci" written by Grzesiek Kszczotek. Bloodflowers album review written by Marek Sawicki. [ MORE . . . ]