Sounds (UK)

8. 11. 1980 petr.halla 0

Interview with The Cure entitled "Playing for today" written by Simon Dwyer. Small article entitled "Nurse, the screens". London Dominion Theatre (17/11/1980) show advert. Gig guide. Times Square soundtrack advert. [ MORE . . . ]

Sounds (UK)

12. 7. 1980 petr.halla 0

Edinburgh (20/6/1980) show review entitled "So young, so mellow" written by Johnny Waller. [ MORE . . . ]

Sounds (UK)

24. 5. 1980 petr.halla 0

Seventeen Seconds album review entitled "Garden gnomes" written by Phil Sutcliffe. [ MORE . . . ]

Sounds (UK)

3. 5. 1980 petr.halla 0

Interview with The Cure entitled "Manhattan interiors" written by Phil Sutcliffe. London (11/5/1980) show advert. "Sounds Playlist" with The Cure. [ MORE . . . ]