Inspirations – Faith


This is one of my favorite 3 Cure albums. It was written at a time of ever deepening depression, and was intended to explore the whole notion of "Faith": but it ended up as a testament of near complete disbelief, and led me on and down - enter "Pornography"...

The Holy Hour
- Written whilst sitting listening to mass in the catholic friary church in Crawley on Sunday night, trying to make since of the communal response and faces.

Primary - Toying (?) with the idea that it may be better to die very young, innocent and dreaming... Or even to murder as a gift...

Other Voices - This one's a bit difficult... Umm... Blotting out the world through the eating offorbidden fruit? Deafened by lust?

All Cats Are Grey - Just a nightmare of being lost / trapped in caves - echoes of the grave and of prisoncells and again of growing old.

The Funeral Party - About the death of my grandparents, and ultimately, I suppose, of the death of my parents, and then me...

Doubt - Expressing the anger and frustration at the pointlessness of everything (at the time?), trying to fight the waves of absurdity.

The Drowning Man - Mourning Fuchsia, a symbol, a girl, a character in "Titus Groan" by Mervyn Peake: Mourning the death of innocence, the death of blind love...

Faith - Self explanatory, as optimistic as I could get, it does, or should, offer a note of HOPE.
Inspirations from Robert Smith were published in Cure News fanzine n° 8 in September 1989.